If minverchk is 3.60, it has new metldr2 of 63.776 bytes and fails downgrade to 3.55 with blackscreen and shutdowns in 8sec without blinking LEDs/beeps and is not hackable PS3 Slim (3000 series)
If minverchk is 3.56, it has metldr and fails downgrade to 3.55 with blackscreen and shutdowns in 1-2sec without blinking LEDs/beeps but it is hackable because you can install 4.xx MFWs by using 4.30 checkoff, which allows you to install without downgrading (requires Hardware Flashers). Use get_applicable_version.pkg to receive lower/upper UDP broadcasts or use fake lowverchk PUP to get it onscreen. If minverchk is 3.56, it has metldr and fails downgrade to 3.55 with blackscreen and shutdowns in 1-2sec without blinking LEDs/beeps but it is hackable because you can install 4.xx MFWs by using 4.30 checkoff, which allows you to install without downgrading (requires Hardware Flashers) 2) Datecode 1B : Not downgradable to 3.55 but might be hackable.

If minverchk is 3.50, it is downgradable to 3.55. Notes: 1) Datecode 1A: Use get_applicable_version.pkg to receive lower/upper UDP broadcasts or use fake lowverchk PUP to get it onscreen.